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Walk In Boxes Myths

Walk In Boxes

7 Myths About Walk In Boxes

Walk in Freezers or Boxes as they are sometimes called have been around for long time and there have many improvements in walk in boxes over the last couple of decades, but despite these advances and improvements in walk in freezers some myths about these kitchen appliances still exist today.

Here is a look at seven myths about walk in boxes:

  1. Walk in Boxes Are Unsafe- Almost everyone has seen those horror or suspense movies where people end up locked inside a walk in freezer and are unable to get out. While these movies are certainly entertaining, they have created a myth in many people’s minds that walk in freezers are dangerous. The reality is, that walk in freezers are actually incredibly safe and there are things that can be done to make them even safer for those who step inside. First, walk in freezers have levers that allow anyone inside to get out. When these handles are properly maintained walk in freezers are incredibly safe. They can be made even safer by installing alarms in case someone does get locked in and by making sure that there is always two people on the premises when anyone is entering the walk in.
  2. Walk In Freezers Are Too Costly- It is amazing how many food business people buy into the myth that walk in freezers are too costly for their business. While there is no argument that these large freezers are quite expensive to buy and take more energy to run than smaller chest or upright freezers, they really aren’t any more expensive than having to purchase and run a number of smaller freezers in order to meet your customers needs. In addition, walk in boxes often help businesses who rely on serving food make a larger profit because you can keep all the different food you need in supply, which increases customer satisfaction. Walk-in boxes also tends to result in less food waste, and easier checking of inventory which can save a business time and money.
  3. Walk In Freezers Take Up Too Much Space for Smaller Businesses- Many people who own food businesses with limited floor space believe that a walk in box takes up too much room needed for cooking or other storage. What makes this belief a myth is two very important features of walk in boxes. First, they can be custom built to meet the size needs of your business, so you can have a smaller or larger walk in freezer than the standard size 4′ by 5′ walk in. In addition, Today’s walk in freezers are designed to fit inside or outside of your business so if indoor space is extremely limited your walk in box can be placed outside not taking up any space in your establishment at all.
  4. Walk in Boxes are Expensive to Repair- While the idea that walk in freezers are expensive to fix isn’t really a myth, the fact is that if you keep your walk in well maintained and have it serviced regularly you can go years without ever needing major repairs. In most cases you can purchase a maintenance contract for your walk in that will include not only cheaper repairs, but also regular inspections that will find those smaller problems before they belong big problems costing thousands of dollars. Taking the time to find the right maintenance contract can save you from having to have costly repairs.
  5. Walk in Freezers are Difficult to Clean- Perhaps due to their larger area many people think walk in freezers are difficult to clean. However, the opposite is actually true. The metal walls of these freezers and the fact that walk ins when operating properly make washing or rinsing down walk ins fairly straightforward and easy. If you choose a stainless steel walk in they are even easier to clean and resistant to discoloring leaving them looking new for much longer.
  6. Walk in Boxes are Only for Industrial Kitchens- While it was once true that walk in freezers were once only of real value for industrial kitchens where food was prepared for masses of people, today’s custom home kitchens often include custom made walk in freezers. Walk in boxes in homes are great for people who run small B&Bs, love to entertain or have larger families. While walk in freezers are not suitable for every home, they work well in some homes and meet some families needs. Visit some sites that makes walk in boxes and familiarize yourself with modern day walk ins and the variety of styles you can choose from.
  7. Walk in Boxes are Unattractive- Many people imagine walk in coolers to be this huge ugly boxes of yesteryear. However, today’s walk in boxes are made from materials such as stainless steel and some even have beautiful glass fronts. In addition, many walk in freezers fit inside a wall space or are outdoors with only the doors inside of the building so that is not a lot of the actual box showing. Walk in freezers can be as attractive in as any other kitchen appliance and today’s walk in boxes are much more attractive than ever before.

Now that you understand most of the myths regarding walk in freezers you are ready to look for a walk in that is suitable to meet your needs. Spend a little time listing your needs as to the size of space you need, whether you want an indoor or outdoor box, and the price range you are considering. Then visit a few stores and websites and familiarize yourself with the more modern walk in freezers that are available. You may also want to talk to a company or two about custom made walk-ins and learn more about the different features that you need to look for. Taking the time to really learn as much as possible about today’s walk in freezers will help you to choose the right one for you and your business or home needs.

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Walk in Boxes Myths
7 Myths About Walk In Boxes Walk in Freezers or Boxes as they are sometimes called have been around for long time and there have many improvements in walk in boxes over the last couple of decades, but despite these advances and improvements in walk in freezers some myths about these kitchen appliances still exist today.
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Crafted Coolers - selling walking boxes
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